Lost excitement regained

Hoimawati Talukdar
2 min readDec 17, 2020

We all know how much this pandemic wrecked havoc on all of our lives. As a human I too was equally impacted by this novel coranavirus. We both had to stay inside our home locked totally out of the social energy of this world. This however was not a nightmare but yes it seemed a lifeless world around us. I must be thankful because unlike millions of others I could take my morning walk and cycle regularly amidst the beautiful nature of North india.

As I write this sitting in the balcony of our home, watching the migratory flock of birds swarming up the terrace of the research building, the cold wind shivers through my body. I closed my window immediately but the sunrays still soak me up because of the glass panes.

I love North India. It has given me love and respect as a human. It has facilities which seems to be a kind of luxury had I stayed in Assam. This is a very privileged place one must admit and I am grateful for that. The past week I am having sleepless night. Last Sunday, my husband had booked two flights to Kolkata and since then I was not able to keep my calm. I was not expecting to leave for home anytime near soon — the latest was by next year towards summer and in that way I had trained my mind that I will have to endure the wrath of the cold this winter. Winters in North India definitely shivers me down. Each night I dream of the numerous things I will be doing in Kolkata. The weather in Kolkata at this time will be relatively warm compared to the snow freezing cold of North India. Morning call came from didi on our much excited trip to Chandipur, a bordering area in between Balasore (Orissa) and West Bengal. I am very much in excitement so much so that I have not been able to sleep and eat well. I am very much looking forward to the much awaited upcoming trip. I had never felt this much of excitement since Iwas born. Perhaps, this pandemic made me more patient and taught me to adapt to any stituation nature puts up before us.

Thank you corona for imbibing in me the quality of PATIENCE which now have led to overwhelming emotions of excitemenet I am not able to control.

